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Here in NZ the pricing has been announced (incl sales tax) 12GB $399, 500GB $516 For comparison the current 160GB model is retail at $476, the 320GB model is about $550. But the press release said retailers are free to set their own price.

We're already seeing really special deals on the 500GB model. One game retailer is doing a pre-order deal with GoWIII AND Borderlands 2 AND a second controller for $479. Or LBP and Fifa 13 plus extra cotroller for $479. Those are some sweet deals. Same price as the vanilla non-discounted 160GB semi-slim but 2 games and a controller.

NZ dollar is currently worth about 0.83 USD and 64.4JPY

I think Aussie is getting a bit of a raw deal on the standard price. Aussie dollar is worth more than the US dollar yet the ticket price for the Aussie is more than the US price even if you add a 20% sales tax to the US price. Harsh. I assume Aussie retailers will do some sweet discounts

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix