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It's too late for the PS3 to be dominant this generation. The 360 already has too many users. Developers are going to continue to develop most of their games for both platforms, treating them both in a sense as a single platform. If you make your game only for the PS3 or only for the 360, you'll just be sacrificing tons of money. Neither platform will gain a huge edge this generation.

The American market is the most valuable as well, and that's where the 360 continues to lead. Sure, PS3 is selling more than 360 in Europe, but when you stop to think about how diverse that market really is, it really becomes a lot harder to come up with a game that will truly appeal to all European countries than it is to come up with a game that will appeal to one country (the United States). PS3 is certainly ahead of 360 in Japan, but is their Japanese install base really large enough to spend a great deal of money on a game that will appeal to only the Japanese? No. Other than the big games which appeal to more than just Japan, this won't be a good generation for Japanese gamers who buy anything other than a Wii.

Because of this, I'm willing to bet Microsoft feels these sales figures actually work more in its favor than Sony's. It's often better to be really strong in one unified and predictable market than it is to be average across many diverse markets. If you develop solely for the PS3, who is your average customer? A Japenese-American who speaks German and can't make up his mind between rpg's, racing games and fps's? If you develop for 360, your customers are Americans who love to shoot things. Having a solid, predictable audience certainly makes it a lot easier to figure out what type of game to make.