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happydolphin said:
Viper1 said:

*record scratches*

Did you just basically state that if an animal doesn't make it known in some form a human can understand that they don't want your sexual advances that it means they do want your sexual advances?


Wait, if a dog is humping your leg.......

Sorry, I can't read for you so I'll paraphrase what I wrote using your words. (Record scratches indeed)

If an animal doesn't want your sexual advances then it means they don't want your sexual and will make it known in some form a human can understand that they don't.

You're underrating animals, and you're overrating humans.  First off, if you have a human who is deranged enough to have sex with an animal do you think he's going to be looking for signs that the animal wants him to stop?  And IF we find that someone is having sex with an animal, how can we determine if the animal resisted?  Can't exactly put it on the witness stands.

And if this is the case, why are Pitbulls so commonly abused?  Surely, an abused Pitbull could easily kill its human abuser if it wanted to.  So why doesn't it?  It's because they're bred for obedience.  Also, much like humans, they come to respect authority.  If you kick a pitbull when it's a pup that's too small to fight back, it will grow up thinking the human is stronger than he is, and will come to assume fighting back is futile. There is more to it than that, but if animals were as simple as you say and would simply fight back against whatever they found objectionable, you wouldn't have all the animal abuse that goes on.