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happydolphin said:
JWeinCom said:

No, you didn't explain it.  You just stated it as if were fact with no backing.  In most cases bestiality is illegal because it's considered animal abuse.  Why would we stop thinking this because homosexuals are getting married?

Oh, and btw, bestiality is still legal in 13 states of the US.  Homosexual marraige is legal in 6...

I'm pretty sure that if the animal didn't want it they would make it pretty damn clear, assuming it's a large animal like a dog or a horse (which is the most common I would

A 12 year old girl might not make it clear either, but that doesn't make it any less illegal.  Minors aren't legally qualified to give consent, and neither are animals. 

Again, why would letting two humans who are of sound mind, of the same species, and are capable of giving verbal consent, lead to people suddenly thinking that animals are capable of entering into consensual sexual relationships?  Please, explain to me clearly and in detail how one thing leads to another.