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PDF said:

Sony is mycompany of choice. In three generations they have made me a very happy customer. They in my opinion deliver the best product, with the best exclusive content. I am about as loyal as they get but I will jump ship if they don't deliver.( as sad as it would make me)

If I am willing to jump, so will others. In your dream scenario of MS the only one going for powerful specs, I would wager thats will the Core gaming audience will go. They alone will be able to justify games being made for their platform, they will also suck up tons of 3rd party exclusives that cant go anywhere else. MS wins landslide. I hope your wrong though.

Think is I said that if MS is much more powerful it won't get 3rd party games supporting all that power. The games will be developed for WiiStation and ported to Xbox3 - meaning Xbox will be uselessly powerful... And if it's got VERY unique play features (3D glasses integrated with Kinect 2.0) they're gonna loos the core

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.