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kanageddaamen said:

Sony actually really needs to "pull a nintendo" and NOT focus on specs. As was pointed out, and as I have been saying for a while, they cannot afford another arms race with MS. MS will destroy them if it comes to a loss leading model.

Sony really needs to make a profit on their consoles, or at least break even. MS CAN afford to take a loss. So sony will need to:

Delay a year to let manufacturing costs come down


Make the system attractive with something other than horsepower and first party titles (vita integration is NOT the answer)

They need a "gimmick" like the wii, wii u and Kinect. Something not available to other consoles.

Or they need a ton of 3rd party exclusive, which just isn't going to happen.

Microsoft will be the hands down leader of graphics this coming gen, and unless Sony delays quite a while the disparity between PS4 and WiiU will probably be easily surmountable for porting (though I think it will be anyway)

My thoughts exactly!!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.