The (sad, for many) fact of the matter is, Micro$oft is a big bully, they have now officially arrived, and like termites have eaten through PS user base by half. Even in EUR, MS will take over Sony next gen. So this trend will only continue, due to brand reputation alone. MS will do w/e the hell they want. They will be the most powerful, even if its only for the sake of having the best looking exclusives. Sony is ****** stuck in a lonely middle. I know its hard for their die hard fans to admit this, but as a fan of ALL THREE, my discerning eye shows me Sony is in deep ****. Excuse the pun but what's their next move?
I don't see Sony being satisfied by just being a player in the game, or have their certain hardcore group, they must dominate. This gen was a huge slap in the face, and its only going to get worse for them. PS4 may be in development but honestly, it wouldn't shock me if it never released, or, if they sold their PS brand to help revitalize their company. PS is the best thing about Sony, so sacrificing that sector may be what's required to save that company. We'll see what happens, but the future isn't bright IMO.