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CrazzyMan said:

Can you prove that casual non-gamers don't buy SMG?

What selling BETTER, wii sport/wii play(after 60 weeks) or SMG(after 12 weeks it reached SMS numbers) in Japan???

It will take some time(SMG only 12-14 weeks here, and haven`t reached sms numbers in usa), before same Wii play still will be oustelling SMG weekly by A LOT.

All that means is that  a lot of people like WiiSports and WiiPlay.


Also, since the Wii userbase without the "casual non-gamers" would be less than the userbase of the GameCube, that would mean that SMG is selling more (i.i. BETTER) on a console with less users who are willing to buy the game.
Selling better to HARDCORE nintendo fans, BECAUSE MOST of them BOUGHT SMG and Wii.
NO matter what usebase will be, mariofans number won`t increase by a lot.

You don't have to be a Mariofans to buy and play SMG. SMG is my first Mario game ever. So if anything, the number of people who buy SMG who aren't Mariofans is 1 up.


GC - 1 mln hardcore mario fans which bough mario + 4 mln. casual gamers/not mario fans.
Wii - 1mln. hardcore mario fans + 2 mln. casual gamers/not mario fans + 2 mln. non-gamers.

I hope you didn't just pull that out of your ass. Link please.


I don't have first week numbers for Ratchet PS2. But I'm sure they were better than PS3 Ratchet first week. I guess there's too many casual non-gamers buying the PS3 as a blu-ray player.

We agree on something. Thank God.

Higher userbase usually equals higher sales.

And why is Wii not such a case? Because you don't want it to?

Do you have any proof of this or is it just your opinion. I only have interest in facts, not opinions.

@Gnizmo, Wii sport/Wii play sales and SMG in Japan.

See above.


I would like to know if you are basing your whole argument, as it seems to me that you are, on the assumption that "yes, sales are great, but that was all the GAMERS and now they've all bought it and none of the "non-gamer casuals" will buy it." Is that a good summary of your position?
SMG bought by 80-85% of mario/nintendo fans. Almost ALL mariofans bought Wii and SMG.

If you disagree, you are free to provide some FACTS.

Fact: GameCube sold 21 million WW. Wii sold 21 million in WW in a much smaller timeframe.

Fact: SMS has sold 5.9 million WW. SMG sold 5.5 million WW in much less the time.

Fact: The attach rate is closer to 25%, meaning that if anything, 25% of Wii owners are Mariofans. 

Fact: You better pray that FFVIII and GTA4 have a similar attach rate and sell similar numbers to the previous versions, otherwise it won't bode well for the PS3.

Fact: Pray that after next week the Wii stops selling because it's sold to nearly all of it's "Mariofans" otherwise this year could be another long year for Sony.

I don't even know why I bother.