I think that that was a real balanced, honest analysis of the situation.
Some people think that´s just a matter of better graphics/specs/ power... but what will really define who´s gonna take the edge on next gen is economy. Both the PS3 and the Xbox360 took a long time to pay for their investiment and really give their manufacturers a profit. Considering the actual financial condition of Sony´s - and the dissapointing sales of the Vita - I´d bet that they can´t afford to launch and sustain another high tech console for so long with losses, like they´re doing right now with the Vita.
XBox is clearly working on their next machine without much worries about what Sony´s doing right now, It seems that Microsoft is trying to create their own gaming paradigm with all those Fortaleza rumors, taking motion controls to a different approach.... if it´s a safe bet future will tell. The big question is: will they be able to afford two or more years with a product sold with loss, waiting/hoping for it to succeed?
I believe that both PS3 and XBox360 as products still have a lot of potential and we´ll still be seeing it on shelves for some years. It doen´t seem, right now, that launching a very expensive console is a good move for both Sony and Microsoft, specially because that would also increase the costs of production for third-parties...these are already experiencing some tough decisions because those high-cost games need to sell millions to give them some profit. Are third parties ready to spent 100-150 million in production of a single title for a new console that doesn´t have a good install base? It seems reasonable that they would rather produce for the cheap WiiU first and wait for costs to decrease.
My bet is that we won´t see the next Ps3 and Xbox until 2014 - or even maybe 2015. As consoles sales are decreasing year by year, I´m not sure if the average gamer will be able to afford a new $ 600 console soon.... Nintendo may really get the front position during this period with a cheaper and user-friendly console.