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Jay520 said:

I might as well respond since I'm here.

1. From what it appears, you're saying since I have no regard for the Bible, then I cannot use against Christians. Okay then.

2. Good Point. The Bible says pre-marital sex is wrong, therefore rape is inherently wrong. That is true. However, I could ask Christians, "Is pre-marital rape any more wrong than pre-marital sex?" If they say yes, then I woud like to know what they base their beliefs off of. If they say no, then I really wouldn't know what to say.

3. No. I don't say rape is wrong "because it is against the will of the woman." I say rape is wrong "because it against the will of the woman AND causes the woman extreme long-term mental and physical trauma  solely for the cause of pleasure by the rapist." 

Do you believe rape is wrong? Why?

4. I cannot. But he doesn't disaprove of it either. So Christians must really be confused when concerning the morality of rape. At least, I would assume as such.

5. As I said at point #4. It's not about simply being a lack of consent. It's the lack of consent in conjunection with the lifelong harm on the person.

There is a problem if you want to try to stick every single form of action and behavior into the Bible, in order validate or invalidate it.  The problem is humans come up with exceptions to rules, and go by tight definitions.  Such an approach is not to determine what the focus point of the Bible wants, that being God, but rather to see what one can get away with based on what the text says.

Actually the whole pre-marital sex is pretty blurry in the Bible, if you want to go by every single behavior and action, and ask, "Is that sin or not?"  The most direct translation of fornication refers to prostitution.  But, if one were to go and try to find out what the ideal is, then it becomes much clearer.   

As for the usage of the Bible, if you have not much regard for it, then your level of understanding is likely to be weaker than to the person who may end up having interest in it.  You can ask questions, but the thing is that there is minutia in it, that will cause you to mess up.  Even in this, what I see is that you are reasoning from a view of ethics and right and wrong that doesn't factor in God, but rather, makes God end up having to comply.  In the case of their being a God, the way things work can change, making godless reasoning nul and void.

Now, you want an answer to the problems with Rape?  Well, I can start with the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  Under that context, can you justify rape?

I can then follow up with this: The sum of the law being to love God with everything and golden rule.  Does rape fit into that at all?

Do things need to go beyond this?  

If so, I can ask: Who would Jesus rape?