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CrazzyMan said:

You do realize that Brawl has been out a whole 1 week right? Of course it's gonna sell less overall when you compare a games ONE WHOLE WEEK out to two games that have been out for 250 weeks in those graphs you showed.
I was compatring Smash on N64 and GC.
That SSBB sold in one day more with 5 mln. Wii woners only prowing that game mostly bought by nintendo fans.
Once Lair, and Heavenly Sword come out, then we'll start seeing some game sales."
Looks Like you se NO difference between NEW IP and BRAND IP.


This thread was meant to be VERY pro Sony, while it ended up being VERY anti-Sony.
NO, i just FIND interesting, that SMG sales are very CLOSE to SMS sales with same number of userbase. With conclusion, that SMG mostlike bought MOSTLY by mariofans.

 There is just so much wrong with this post. First, N64 had more users than GC, thus it's sales should be higher. And guess what, THEY ARE. So, using the same logic, SSB:B will have more sales than the other two because the userbase will be higher. Thus, people who didn't buy the previous game will have to buy the new game. And who really cares if it's simply Nintendo fans buying these games? Looking at FF and GT numbers, they are ususally very similar. ON NO, onyl Sony and/or FF/GT fans buy those games.

I said the Wii has a few non brand games in the top 50, yet the PS3 doesn't. And what about Ratchet and Clank? Is it not a brand name game? The first Ratchet and Clank game on the PS2 sold 3 million, and the second one sold 2.5 million. WHere are those fans?

Similar userbase + similar sales = game bought my mostly mariofans. Interesting. I would think that similar userbase would automatically equal similar sales. What will be interesting is seeing the sales of SMG as the Wiis userbase passes the GameCube and the N64 and eventually the SNES.