HappySqurriel said:
This is why I think that the potential processing power gap of next generation consoles is being completely blown out of proportion. Developers can (probably) produce the exact same game (BF3 had a severely restricted player count and map size in the multiplayer version on PS360. Granted the Wii U is more powerful of course, but just pointing out that it may not be exactly the same game.) on the Wii U using "medium" details while running at 720p@30fps and (at best) the same game will run at "high" details at 1080p@60fps. btw, for BF3 it's low>medium>high>ultra While consumers will see the difference and say "it looks a little better on the PS4/XBox 720" they will notice that Sony and Microsoft's systems will be released a year (or two) later and cost $100 to $200 more.