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Hi to all,

I have always been pretty skeptical about Phone Games. Well, as a RPG and card game fan, this game made me change my mind.

On paper, Rage of Bahamut (Said RoB), is a free application for IPhone and Android (Google Play yeah...). It's defined as an Arcade and Action game with RPG elements and developed by a Japanese company. It's been very popular lately, ranking n°1 on many charts. Why is that ?

First of all the Game arts are Gorgeous. Here is an example :

Secondly, the concept addicting : you have to build yourself a Deck of 5 "cards" chosen among hundreds and hundreds of them. You get free cards every day, and you can also participate in quest to earn some of them. There's a very interesting leveling / enhancing strategy of both your profile and cards (You got a level, stamina, defense and so on...).

You can get yourself into a guild to exchange cards and strategies (which as been lately more limited due to piracy, they inputted an experimental "Market Place"). The cards are ranked in rarity (from normal to legendary ones...).

Also, you can participate in events, wars between guilds (called "Holy Wars"), and regular campaigns, which make the game always renewing, compared to Jombie Zombie for example.

Well, anyway, do you play it ? If you want to try, I will give you my Referral Code : Laa49998 It will get you (and me !) a free rare card and lots of rupies. Of course you can use any code, not only mine... We can also make friends there and create a Vgchartz guild...

Give me your feedback here anyway and have fun



Try Rage Of Bahamut ! Free trading card and RPG game on ITunes / Android. Use Code : Laa49998 

And get free  rare card.  Enjoy !