O Great Historian, tell us about the ancient times, when the tribes that occupied our lands fought so fiercely that all nations were dissolved in the fires of war, and anarchy reigned for two dark years. Though I did not see these events with my own eyes for I was not yet born, my understanding is that during this apocalype Nintenidos took charge and laid the foundations of all present superpowers, and modern civilization as we know it.
I was born in an independent, lawless land as Nintenidos was approaching the pinnacle of its Empire. For reasons I have never questioned, when I was at a young age my parents moved to Segon. We lived there in peace for a short time, oblivious to the political intrigue or the rising superpower, Sonaria. As the First Konsol War was beginning, when Segon's government began to unravel and the cost of living began to rise, our family again packed up all of our possessions and moved to Nintenidos.
I have lived in Nintenidos ever since. Although I own a beach house in the lovely nation of Valvus, which I frequently visit, I wouldn't want to live there year-round. Many of my friends are nomadic, so I have had an opportunity to visit most of the world's nations and experience the different forms of government. I am very content with Nintenidos; although our quality of life is not as luxurious here as it is for those in Sonaria and Microsofia, the cost of living is much lower.
I took a trip to the Applesian Empire not long ago. Although the nation is undoubtedly powerful, I was dumbfounded that the quality of life for its denizens seemed so poor while the price of real estate was so high. Doubtless this is related to the very low cost of living. It seems independent groups outside of the control of the Empire are making strides to improve the quality of life for the people there, and I hope that works out for them, but I doubt I will be returning any time soon.
This is kinda fun.