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I agree with your other points, lolita, but: 
lolita said:

1-Civilisation is a great strategic game and is complex, but isn't all that hard. People who don't really play games can play this game and win it, since there are so many ways to win.

Umm, what? We have nine different difficulty levels in Civ4. The upper tier levels are insanely difficult; even the best players in the world cannot consistently win on Deity without rigging the map settings in their favor. Take it from an expert: you do not know of what you speak on this point.  The rest of your analysis was quite good, however.

One other point... Firaxis has explicitly designed this game with a controller in mind. I've watched several preview videos, and there's nothing like a mouse pointer in evidence. I wouldn't go banking on mouse/keyboard support for 360/PS3.

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End of 2008 totals: Wii 42m, 360 24m, PS3 18.5m (made Jan. 4, 2008)