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Jay520 said:

1. "Love your  neighbor as yourself" is a command on how you should love, not how you should act. It says you must be loving, not that you must act on it.

2. The "as yourself" component means this command is based on subjective preferences. Certain people may have different feelings on how they should be loved. 

Crhist does talk an awfull lot about love and what it means and how to treat the fellow man and about your relationship with God and how hurting other people hurts God and whatnot. There's a multi-thousand-pages book around these simple bullet-point rules which you're convinently ignoring. Supposedly there's also the Holy Ghost and prayer and what not which should guide your interpretation.

Besides  how you think a single or a few quick laws on all of behaviour should be worded? ? How would you generalize it that a little of "good will" on those reading wouldn't be necessary. Your being too dense just for the sake of being.

So, answering 1, loveand how you act aren't separable according to other passages, at least as I understand. And for 2, yes, technically you're right. But what is meant (don't do to others that which you wouldn't want them to do to you) is not hard to understand and is made more explicit by many other passages and sermons and what not.