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Xenoblade, the greatest game Nintendo has made since Metroid Prime. Also possibly the best Nintendo RPG, but the Mother series is nigh impossible to top.

Also, Prime 3 was excellent. The controls took some getting used to, but the settings and lore were more awesome than I could've expected. A strong sci-fi narrative about reliance on technology (as I interpreted it), and not in your face like most other games.

Skyward Sword will definitely stick with me. There isn't anything else quite like it... which can be either good or bad. Really bad for purists especially. The focus on puzzles and deeper combat scratched my favorite itch - smart level design. And those Timeshift Stones... I feel as if Nintendo could've made several smaller games based on some of Skyward Sword's ideas. Even so, I would like to see something a little more traditional for the Wii U or 3DS Zelda, if only to hear less whining and more appreciation for the outstanding work Nintendo has done on the series, constantly taking it into bold new gameplay territory.

Edit: Crap, I forgot DKCR! Beating that game felt so insanely rewarding, and the level design is absolutely peerless. Mario can't top it. Rayman is getting close, perhaps.

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