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richardhutnik said:
Jay520 said:
richardhutnik said:

Exactly. It says in those quotes that God does not like divorce. This is not the same as raping. There is nothing which says rape is a sin or that God frowns upon rape. 

Besides, it's common fact that if you're actions don't go against the Bible, then you're, by default, morally good. Since raping (and taking care of the victim later) doesn't go against the Bible, then, by the default, we should assume that it's morally good.....

....But You are right that the bible does not say if raping is approved or disapproved. So let's look at the possibilites of both, since we cannot know for sure.

1. If raping is approved, then the bible is just flat-out immoral.

2. If raping is disapproved, then that's not fair to people. It's not fair that there are actions that God disapproves of, that isn't in the Bible. How would the people know if raping is right or wrong? Christians moral code is directly from the bible. And from the bible, the only thing they know about raping is what they must do after raping someone. They have no idea of if raping is good or bad. So, if raping is disapproved, then that's just not fair to Christians, because it's impossible for them to know beforehand.

If raping is wrong. Then there are an infinite amount of potential actions that are also wrong, which aren't mentioned in the bible.

- - -

A bit of a side-bar: If the Bible doesn't say if rape is wrong or not, then how do Christians know if rape is wrong or not? A common argument by Christians against atheists is that atheists don't have one objective moral code. They say that we atheists form subjective moralities and that we cannot know if our morals are correct. Well, if you ask Christians what there stance is on raping, their answer will probably always be "raping is wrong." But they would have no basis for this morality because the Bible never says "raping is wrong" (it doesn't say either way). So, these Chritians would actually be hypocrites, because they're forming morals from their own self. This isn't strictly relavent; I just thought it was interesting.

- - -

Another point: The bible is the word of God. The Bible tells people how to live there lives. There shouldn't even be room for ambiguity concerning something as powerful as rape, especially considering rape is mentioned multiple times.

I am assuming you are not a Christian, and don't have regard for the Bible, by the way you argue.  You have a narrow opinion how the Bible should be used, and apply it to Christians, telling them what is right and wrong, and how they fall short.  Frankly speaking, you are not qualified to do this.  You can use it to justify your own views, but you are very much incomplete in your understanding of things and even how the Bible and Christian faith works.  Your attitude also isn't the appropriate one to fit the Bible, and you would be hard pressed to show anywhere that Jesus, who demands people have him as their Lord, would call upon people to have the Bible as something you use to see what you get away with.  The question is not: Can one rape and be ok with God?  But rather, what does God call for sexuality and what is the appropriate way to respond to this?  And if God ends up wanting people to be at least betrothed before they engage in any form of physical intimacy, then how the heck would you need to then have a requirement that such involvement has to be consentual?  See, you are all irate over this by lack of consent.  In your morals do you find the act of sexuality without a commitment wrong?  And that such a relationship be one of mutual support and love?  If you do, then why would you bother to even add, "but it is wrong if it not consentual"?   It is like, if you aren't supposed to be somewhere, period, do you need to add that you shouldn't murder someone in the spot that you aren't supposed to be?

As for the Law and righteousness and things you want to hold Christians accountable for, this is what is written Jesus said:


Matthew 19

New International Version (NIV)

The Rich and the Kingdom of God

16 Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?”

17 “Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.”

18 “Which ones?” he inquired.

Jesus replied, “‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, 19 honor your father and mother,’[c] and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’[d]

20 “All these I have kept,” the young man said. “What do I still lack?”

21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor,and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

22 When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.


So, by Christian standards, your concept of morals and ethics isn't even in the ballpark.  Your view is one of where everyone does as they please so long as no one else is forced to do things they are opposed to.  With you, rape is wrong only because it is against the will of the woman, that is all. Such an ethics is devoid of love, which is a big foundational thing in Christianity.  And without the proper framework, and you understanding what the framework is, it is really pointless to discuss this.  All I can ask you is: Under what context and framework can you show that Jesus approves of rape?  

By the way, if you are so opposed to lack of consent being evil, I presume you NEVER bother to do things against people's wishes, EVER.  


This is becoming tiring. I plan to make a thread on this topic soon to see what christians believe on this specifc topic.