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CrazzyMan said:
I don't know what was cherry picking,
Brawl isn't doing surpreme in Japan? Look at it compete to it's precessors: IN ONE WEEK it did what its pressessors did in 16!
AND OVERALL sold LESS.®2=All&game2=Super+Smash+Bros+Melee+-+GC®3=All&game3=&weeks=250

You do realize that Brawl has been out a whole 1 week right? Of course it's gonna sell less overall when you compare a games ONE WHOLE WEEK out to two games that have been out for 250 weeks in those graphs you showed.  That's the worst  attempt at a counter arguement I have ever seen. And I have seen people use "NA UH" as a counter arguement. You sir, fail.

And for the whole "PS3 does not have any brand name games" thing, I would argue that the PS3 does have some big games. But they haven't sold well. If I could do a post history search, I would find all those PS3 people who were saying "Once Lair, and Heavenly Sword come out, then we'll start seeing some game sales." And that didn't happen. Also, I would say that the Wii has a good amount of non-brandname games in the top 50, so the PS3 should as well.

And since you meant FFXI was not comparable to the other FFs, you agree that his arguement and points make perfect sense?