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It really depends on how you define AAA.  Is a AAA title based solely on review scores?  I don't think so...

 To me, AAA means more than just a score.  I feel the term is massively abused now days (lol, a guy tried to call Conan AAA on here not too long ago)....Many "A" & "AA" games are termed "AAA" and many people use PERSONAL PREFERENCE to determine AAA.   A system of standards is definitely needed--just like Greatest Hits have...maybe a cumalative score involving reviews, history, sales, etc.

Maybe This:

Average Score of over 8.75 = ONE "A"

History...must be 2nd Title or more in series = ONE "A"

SALES/HYPE...Over a certain sales amount (1,000,000) or attach rate (15%), etc. = ONE "A"

So, 2 out of the 3 would equal a "AA" Title....3 out of the 3 would = "AAA", etc.

1.  Reviews/Scores

2.  History/Tradition....not a one hit wonder (Can White Knight Story, Little Big Planet, Halo Wars, Alan Wake, or Too Human really qualify when they are brand new IP's with NO proven history)  IMO a "AA" should be the MAX CONSIDERATION for a new IP.

3.  Sales/Attach Rate...a game can be wonderful and score a 9.0, but if it only sells 250,000 copies can you really call it AAA? (All the NGS have sold relatively unwell; however, that doesn't mean this one will.)

4.  Hype....this has to be considered because hype is a huge part of the gaming industry.  Halo is a master of the hype is is Final Fantasy.

 Anyhow, IMO opinion (which is what everyone is giving)

PS3:  GT5,  MGS4, GTAIV (LBP, WKS, KZII, Motorstorm 2, Resistance 2, are too unproven to me to deserve the ULTRA SPECIAL CROWN of "AAA") Don't think FFXIII or God of War III will make it out this year.

360:  GTAIV, Gears of War II (SC: Conviction, Alan Wake, Halo Wars, Too Human are also too unproven to deserve the ULTRA SPECIAL CROWN OF "AAA") Also don't think Forza 3 (may only be a AA title IMO anyhow) will make it out this year--they need to rebuild the engine IMO.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450