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Mummelmann said:
I don't see in any dimension or reality that PS3 is at a disadvantage this year when it comes to software. That is just not true, regardless of taste and stance in the whole "war".
How exactly is it the 360 has the advantage (again I might add) this year, Garcian? Gears of War 2? Fact is; you can't release hits from the same series every year and sell 8 million copies, it just doesn't work that way, even if you happen to love your 360.
And about the PC games this year; tacky comment, there truly are some monster hits coming for PC this year, and 2008 is believed by almost every PC gamer and critic to be the "revival" or "rebirth" of PC gaming as a mainstream industry since the decline from early 90's.
Lastly; do you think its a good idea to bash mods like that... ?

If you don't think that releasing the same series every year and selling millions works... well, EA and a little series called Madden would like a word with you. Not to mention every other popular IP in existence (Microsoft's own Halo 3 sort of proves the point; it's basically a graphically-updated Halo 2, and it sold over 5 million.)

And, no doubt there'll be some good games for PC this year, but listing every single game coming out for the PC as "AAA," including a slew of unproven IP, likely horrible games like Savage 2, and still-in-early-development titles like Dragon Age (which doesn't even have a release date yet, and likely won't for a long, long while) is just silly.

Lastly, I don't bash mods. I just call them out as I would any other poster when I think they're wrong. Being a mod makes someone automatically right on affairs concerning the forums, true, but it doesn't make them untouchable where their opinions on other subjects are concerned.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom