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starcraft said:
makingmusic476 said:
starcraft said:
makingmusic476 said:

You have to admit, there was some bias. You listed 360 games that haven't even been announced yet as if they were guaranteed for 2008, then put "probably won't be out until 2009" next to ps3 games that we already know a good bit about, one of which even has a demo.

And my comparison didn't quite agree with yours, as removing Gears 2 and Forza 3 really weakens the 360's lineup, as far as guaranteed successes go.

As for new IPs, both consoles have a plethora of titles hitting this year, so you can't exactly say one side has a better line up than the other. Especially with so many release dates up in the air (will Valkyrie of the Battlefield or Alan Wake make it out this year?), and the possibilities of more Lairs (Free Radical have a great track record, but Haze looks meh).

In the end, let's just say you were a tad overly optomistic for the 360. ^^

Every indication we have is that GeoW 2 WILL be out this year and that FF and GT wont be. And though I need to check, i'm pretty sure i put F3 as probably not making 2008. If i havent i will change it.

I mean there are people in this thread telling me that there is no doubt Killzone will be AAA as it has a high budget (despite the pathetic (compared to AAA titles) original) and im being accussed of bias?

And honestly. Do you really think that Sony's new IP lineup looks as promising as MS's. Though at the same time, I do concede that that was the subjective part of my post. Ill add in an IMO!

Every indication? The game hasn't even been announced! The only "indicators" that we have so far consist of nothing more than EGM rumors and SurferGirl antics. EGM also said that God of War 3 would hit the same time as Gears 2 (Holiday '08), and just weeks later GoW3 was confirmed for 2009, showing the validity of that rumor.

As for Killzone, I think it could go either way, though I am somewhat optimistic.

About the new IPs, from what I've seen, yes, I do think that Sony's new IPs look superior to MS's. However, I have not seen even close to all the new IPs for each side, and my view is probably pretty slanted since I keep track of the ps3's exclusives far more than the 360's (since I don't own one), so I know more of the new ps3 IPs that are out there.

I am interested in these new IPs for the ps3 this year:

White Knight Story
Valkyrie of the Battlefield (which probably won't make it out this year)

Others that I know about, but don't particularly care for:

Haze (meh, and it's probably only timed exclusive)

The only new IPs for the 360 that I can think of are as follows:

Lost Odyssey (which has already had it's impact in Japan)
Infinite Undiscovery
Too Human
Alan Wake

Supreme Commander

Left 4 Dead


Marvel Unniverse Online

operation darkness


Given those two lists, which would you choose? :P

Of course, I'd be quite willing to hear about the other new IPs that MS has on the way.

Thats a bit closer towards what 2008 new IP looks like. Microsoft will have one massive shooter IP at Christmas regardless. It'll either be GeoW 2 (likely) or the next Perfect Dark. Given Rare's slow turnover time and the fairly believable rumours, I say gears.

Left4Dead is PC/360/PS3, just like the Orange Box, according to Bryan on the 1UP podcast, and I've been playing Supreme Commander on my PC since LAST February.

As for the others, I did not know about them, and I agree that the 360's list does look nice. However, I'd still choose the ps3's list. ;)

About SupCom (in case you're thinking of getting it for 360) - it truly is a great game, and it's easily my favorite RTS in a long time, but I wouldn't trust a 360 port, because the game was making my PC crash by going above the 2gb ram limit because of it's insanely high population caps. I suppose they could lower the pop caps for the 360 version, but that would pretty much defeat the purpose of the game. Either that or they'd have to severly gimp the textures, etc. to make up for the 1000 unit limit. This game is easily the most RAM and CPU intensive game I've ever played, though I have yet to play Crysis.