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Speaking hypothetically which would you find most egregious. Bethesda not releasing the game on your platform, delaying the release for many months, or putting out a buggier then usual game. The point I am driving home is this. You as a owner would have thrown a fucking tantrum if it was the first two. Before you say you wouldn't mind. Don't even bother, because I damn well know better. I have seen far too many Sony loyalists throw conniption fits when they either don't get the game, or are forced to wait. Hell when they are forced to wait they bitch about not getting it at a discount. Which they shouldn't get, because it costs developers more time and money to make a PS3 game. They should be thankful that they are getting it at the same price.

While I am at it don't even float the suggestion that all the versions ought to have been delayed until the version for the PS3 was ready. There is no reason why everyone else should have to wait, because the PS3 has what can be described as the hardware equivalent of a severe learning disability. I think we suffer through too many game delays as it is, because of the PS3s obvious limitations. We shouldn't even have our games being watered down, because of the PS3s problems either.

Like I said it is your problem to deal with. If you bought the PS3 at launch you should have more then enough cash to buy better hardware. If you bought it once the price came down. Then by that time the problems were well documented. You basically don't have an excuse for being in possession of hardware that was fairly obsolete the moment it came out of the box. If you insist on playing on substandard hardware then you should expect to be getting substandard results.

Why the hell is this so hard to understand. I started this generation with a Wii, and found out just how substandard that hardware was. You know what I did about that. I didn't go blaming developers, or making excuses for what Nintendo sold me. I ditched the console, and went out to acquire a new console. You can do the exact same thing I did. You can sell off your PS3 to someone, and use that money to buy a better console, or to invest into a gaming PC. The PS3 is just shitty hardware either you can live with that or you cannot.