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I know that comparing the attachment rates doesn't work that well, I simply took away the point Crazzy was building.

You don't see Zelda in the chartz? Look better. There are only 4 Ps3 games this week that beat it. Ha-ha! And in total sales it already > Ps3 game nr 2 and 3 combined! And don't attachment rate me, because it has an attachment rate of 22.5 % which ONLY 3 Ps3 games beat.

Now, let me put up a couple of graphs (Oh no! we're back at were we started!)

You are telling me SMG has worse legs than SM64 and SMS in Japan? It is catching up to SM64!®2=Japan&game2=Super+Mario+Sunshine+-+GC®3=Japan&game3=Super+Mario+Galaxy+-+Wii&weeks=20

Brawl isn't doing surpreme in Japan? Look at it compete to it's precessors: IN ONE WEEK it did what its pressessors did in 16!®2=Japan&game2=Super+Smash+Bros+Melee+-+GC®3=Japan&game3=&weeks=20

All final fantasy games sell better on the first version in Japan? Think again®2=Japan&game2=Final+Fantasy+VIII+-+PS®3=Japan&game3=&weeks=100

Something has happened to the FF series.

Look here: Part 1.

FF series had a HUGE leap on the NES console, and on the first SNES it also sold well.®2=Japan&game2=Final+Fantasy+III+-+NES®3=Japan&game3=Final+Fantasy+IV+-+SNES&weeks=100

Part 2

On the SNES the series continued to grow a lot.®2=Japan&game2=Final+Fantasy+V+-+SNES®3=Japan&game3=Final+Fantasy+IV+-+SNES&weeks=100

Part 3:

On the PS, it increased even more!®2=Japan&game2=Final+Fantasy+VII+-+PS®3=Japan&game3=Final+Fantasy+VIII+-+PS&weeks=100

Part 4:

But at IX, something happened. The series had a drop, for the first time. IX sold less than VII and VIII had.®2=Japan&game2=Final+Fantasy+VII+-+PS®3=Japan&game3=Final+Fantasy+VIII+-+PS&weeks=100

Part 5:

At the first Ps2 game, people thought it would have an increase, but it didn't. It barely sold better than the "flop" IX.®2=Japan&game2=Final+Fantasy+IX+-+PS®3=Japan&game3=Final+Fantasy+X+-+PS2&weeks=100

Part 6:

Square had now started to make a lot of Spin-offs from the real series. Maybe in an attempt to stop the trend. It didn't work. FFXI sold 158K (WTF? Is this wrong?) and FFXII sold a little less than FFX.

Ok, let's have a look at GT series.

Part 1: GT1 sold well, and GT2 followed up with half the sales.®2=Japan&game2=Gran+Turismo+2+-+PS®3=Japan&game3=Gran+Turismo+3+A-Spec+-+PS2&weeks=100

Part 2:

GT3 sold at GT2 level, surprisingly low, and GT4 prologue sold 1/3 of that again, while GT4 sold 2/3 of it. GT4 prologue and GT4 sold a total of the same as GT3. Even though it was 3 games this gen, not 2, it sold 1/3 less than it did on Ps1.

Part 3:

Gran Turismo 5 prologue has so far been tracking WAY below 4 prologue, which is the least selling in the series. We can thereby expect that GT5 itself will also sell rather poorly.®2=Japan&game2=Gran+Turismo+5+Prologue+-+PS3®3=All&game3=Gran+Turismo+5+Prologue+-+PS3&weeks=100

Metal Gear Solid.

Part 1:

Metal Gear Solid 1 sold well, but way below SMG levels. MGS 2 sold even better. MGS2 exspansion sold far away from well, at 1/5 of MGS1.®2=Japan&game2=Metal+Gear+Solid+2%3A+Sons+of+Liberty+-+PS2®3=All&game3=Metal+Gear+Solid+2%3A+Substance+-+PS2&weeks=100

Part 2:

Metal Gear Solid 3 sold A LOT more than the earlier in the series, almost 3 times as much. The expansion did not sell very well.®2=Japan&game2=Metal+Gear+Solid+2%3A+Sons+of+Liberty+-+PS2®3=All&game3=Metal+Gear+Solid+20th+Anniversary%3A+Metal+Gear+Solid+Collection+-+PS2&weeks=100

MGS is the only of the 3 major franchises that do not drop.

For Ps Minor Franchises


Part 1: Tekken sold well, at same level as MGS. Tekken 2 had a major increase, and almost doubled the sales. Tekken 3 kept up with Tekken 2 and sold a little higher. Tekken looked like it would become a major franchise for the Ps.®2=Japan&game2=Tekken+2+-+PS®3=Japan&game3=Tekken+3+-+PS&weeks=100

Part 2: Something happened to Tekken. At nr 4, it sold half of what nr 1 had, and less than a third of 3. Nr 5 sold even less than 4. Tekken Tag tournament also came out, and sold more than 4 and 5, but a lot less than 1.®2=Japan&game2=Tekken+5+-+PS2®3=Japan&game3=Tekken+Tag+Tournament+-+PS2&weeks=100

Resident Evil: Used to be PS exclusive, but lost a bit too GC and now 5 is multiplat

Dragon Quest: I looked over this, simply a great selling franchise with almost no changes at all. If it comes to Ps3 it will sell fairly good, at least better than FF, so after Ps3 (if DQ comes for Ps3) I guess this might jump up to Major franchise, if I am not misscalculating and it already is.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS