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Well info actually did come i believe around new years with specific details ont he game. I can't remember in full but, I'll say this won't release til atleast summer here is what i remember.
- They are making the Final Fantasy X HD for PS Vita and PS3 with cross save ability confirmed
- The game is NOT your typical HD conversion but a entire upgrade. The game is going to be running on the Crystal tools engine used for Final Fantasy XIII
- They will make the game be slightly modified as in, I believe Blitz ball won't be necessary to play through. And it will be entirely redone, which means it won't be the same as the horrible blitz ball in X. Otherwise everything else will be untouched but possibly the music and voice. They may remix the music like FFIV or voice maybe needs to be redone for quality or copyright issues. But those parts are opinionated guesses from me (the possibility of remix music and redone voice i mean).