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This is off-topic a bit, but ive been wondering...Why are some ppl acting like the Wii U conference was some saving grace for the Wii U all of a sudden? Back at E3, I was fully expecting Nintendo to show off how impressive the Wii U system/technology was, but I was impressed instead how underwhelming it was for the most part.

Now I see the recent Wii U conference, and other than the pretty good price tag, I was expecting to see ppl's comments reflect my still-underwhelmed feelings. I guess my main confusion is the launch lineup. Other than 2-3 games, it seems quite weak to me; yet, ppl are touting it as this amazing thing. I guess ill use snowdog's comment from above as an example:

He described all of the following as "system sellers": NSMB U, Pikmin 3, Lego game, Rayman, Zombie U, Alien: Colonial Marines, Dragon Quest X, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

NSMB U: Sure, obvious.
Pikmin 3: Have heard some fair excitement for this game, but first 2 games sold 1.6 and 1.2 million
Lego game: really? I mean, some decent sales, considering; but still, best sales in recent times was 2010 with ~2mill on wii (and this even had the power of the Harry Potter name behind it)
Rayman: heard last was pretty good, but system seller? Idc how. Last game sold not even 1.5 million across all 3 systems
Zombie U: decent looking bbut no where near resident evil from my perspective. Idt it looks interesting enough to even rent
Aliens: CM: releasing on all 3 systems, no? Why would it be a system seller even if it was exclusive?
Dragon Quest X: just saw 2 of these games had good sales on ps2 and ds in 2004 and 2009, respectively. Don't know anything else about the franchise, though
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate: obviously MH is big in Japan, but isn't this a port with some extra features?

Not everyone claims all the games are system sellers, but there are definitely a lot of ppl describing the launch lineup as something amazing. There are several games in the lineup that were released long ago on ps360, with several other games coming to Wii U that are also coming to ps360 in the near future; yet both of those game lists are also being used as arguments for Wii U's launch lineup strength.

Anyways, it just seems like ppl are grasping at straws with this praise. I'm fully open to the possibility that maybe I'm just missing something. As it stands, I just don't get it. So I'm hoping someone can make me understand.