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So your 3 reasons why the PS3 will sell well in the long run is because it will be:

A: The cheapest blu-ray player
B: The cheapest console
C: a console with some great games that people have missed

I'm sorry, but I can tell you that none of them will come true. Here's my reasoning:

A: I don't think that anyone is buying the PS2 because it's a DVD player nowadays. DVD players are very cheap today AND offer better quality than the PS2.

B: The PS3 will NEVER become cheaper than the Wii and the 360, and when Nintendo releases a new console (what they won't be doing that fast) Sony will be forced to release a new one too. Also, unlike the GC, the Wii will survive when its successor is released as all winning consoles do.

C: From my thoughts, that really should happen, but reality proves the opposite. The Wii sees stellar sales and I guess that a lot of those 20 million and counting Wii owners never had a Cube. But did this have an impact on Cube games sales? No, not at all. You see, the masses are not buying old games even if they get the console for free, so why should they buy and old console?

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)