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happydolphin said:
oniyide said:

I grew up on least your company is still making hardware. I know i had a meltdown when the Saurn got slaughtered, it was my first and only one as a gamer. I learned to get the system with the games, period. IMHO it doesnt matter if there are some companies that are "evil" and wont support another one, that doesnt get me games faster. 

I dont know why Kyliedog is saying its acceptable for PS1 but not Wii U. Maybe he believes that people should have seen it coming with the system that Ninty was trying to push with the N64??

I agree that Sega had it bad, but do you know how shitty it is to be a fan of a company that was for 2 gens the goto company for top gaming experiences, to be relegated to the laughingstock of the industry by the time the Gamecube came out?

There was nothing worse than being a Nintendo fan in terms of hearing feedback from others during that period.

"Nintendo sucks"

"Nintendo is for kids"

"Nintendo has shitty games"

All of that stuff that started once the PS became the #1 console in the industry. It makes you understand why few of us feel pity when Sony starts to tank. Though Sony has been making great games this past gen and Gran Turismo before that, there is little sympathy I feel for the users in OP.

Ninty did kind of do it to themselves, sticking with cartridges, not wanting certain games on the system due to image, being general dickheads to some companies in their heyday. Its not that they are complete victims and honestly thats always been my issue, not with Ninty they learned most of their mistakes, but some fans act like they are beyond reproach. Hell this whole B2 thing is good for laughs, but some will act Ninty fans havent had meltdowns the entire gen. Dead Space and Nba Jam just to name two, granted they are not near as big or crazy as this one, but they have been more frequent. People talk crap about Sony all the time, doesnt mean anything, its a video game company,not someones family. I dont get mad at those things no more, unless its something that is a bold face lie. So I feel little sympathy for Ninty owners myself, hell i feel little sympathy period