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I'd love for Ron Paul, but since that's not even remotely likely I'll gladly take Obama over the other puppets. Even if I might not agree with some of his policies, I'll still support him for his honesty and integrity.

Hillary's disgustingly power hungry. She'll do anything to get elected (even crying TWICE now before important primaries to look more "emotional" and sway voters). She mud slings, lies, flip flops, panders, etc, etc. If this is what she does to win, I don't care if she has the greatest policy in the world (which is far from the case). I still would never vote her.

McCain seems entirely too war happy. I thought Americans wanted out of Iraq? I also feel like he's way too willing to go to war with Iran. The last thing we need right now is more war. Our foreign policy needs some serious rethinking that McCain doesn't represent.