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More Wii U details!

- Nintendo TVii doesn't replace your existing cable box, it works with services you've subscribed to
- asks for your cable provider and zip code
- will support “all” major U.S. and Canadian cable and satellite TV providers
- will not be a Tivo itself, but works in conjunction with it
- no talk of solo GamePad sales in NA yet
- GamePad has its own AC adapter
- it is not one that you can plug into the [Wii U]
- Wii U eShop on day one
- transfer saved game data from Wii to Wii U
- Wii Mode is an option on the Wii U menu
- more details on VC between now and launch

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3