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Bayonetta didn't sell "bad" for an original IP coming from an Indie dev at all.... It was close to 2 million copies in sales combining X360+PS3...

I'd be surprised if Bayonetta 2 sells HALF of that on the WiiU...

Btw, I am going to question if Bayonetta 2 is even going to be released in the US... I also have a feeling the sexual/sexual inuendo level is going to be toned down from the first one... I definitely don't see the current Wii population (generally younger audience who got the console by their Mom/Dad) want to see Bayonetta's variety of poses on the family television...

You'll be surprised how sensitive publishers nowadays are with Sexual representation... Guns, Gores, and Violence is all fair game, but skins and boobs is a big taboo....

Also, with no gameply video or date of release for Bayonetta, you shouldn't be running out to get WiiU day 1 just for this game... by the time this game comes out, WiiU should of been price-cut and the secondary market should have enough to go around cheaper. I am most likely just buying the WiiU for this one game and couple nice RPGs from Japan out there... Does anyone know if WiiU is region locked?