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It is frustrating that it seems the American people are only forced to choose between few choices. The reality is that we again have an election where it will be between two choices. One can vote for a third candidate and we should vote our principals. The sad truth is if our principals is for a candidate that isn't either Romney or Obama it won't matter. It's going to be one of those two who will be president. So its frustrating that if you don't vote for one of them your vote is essentially thrown away and irrelevant. But its reality.

Its up to the American people to Wise up and demand transparency, fiscal responsibility, and a complete defense of our constitution. However, many people don't really pay attention to what is going on and just occasionally listen to nightly news or read a news paper most of which have their own agenda and don't really seem to show the real picture of what every American should know. Many Americans have gotten "squishy" in their thinking. They just trust what they hear and don't try to find out truths on their own. more often now they don't allow their minds to form solid opinions on policies, current events. Many now days just tend to "go with the flow" and are for whatever seems popular. Its becoming more towards "group think" "Political correctness" instead of individual thought, individual responsibility and individual liberties.

It comes down to Americans waking up and standing up for individualism. To look in the past of where America has come from and learn from it. America should be about the individual and not the collective. Once more Americans realize that then the more Constitutionally minded politicians we will elect. In our current state we deserve who we elect, and its not surprising considering how much Americans have seemed to let go of individualism.