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ok I thought the PS3 was suposed to last 10 years ??? in my book and all the technological theories on increase of power... the cell is going to be outdated way before 10 years....

I don't remember who said he doesn't think the cell will be outrun in the past 2 or 3 years.... they probably have already in R&D centers prototypes or schemes of something better.... the development of the cell started in 2001 and took 4 years so I'm pretty sure since 2005 they have been already working on something else and in 2 or 3 years we'll find better or more convenient for video game consoles..

now beside that.... with the financial mess Sony is right now for the PS3 even if they come back and finish second they have very little chance of pulling out substantial benefits out of the PS3 by the time other like nintendo and probably MS will release a new gen.....
the real question should have been will sony be able to do a PS4.... and don't tell me it's the same for MS.... Sony has nowhere close of the financial backup that MS disposes...
that said it's the entire company that is going down financially lately with the gaming division leading the boat.... MS might be sinking a tone of money but last time I checked their total results were still up....
I'm not saying they won't have a PS4, and even less that they shouldn't have one.... I strongly believe it wouldn't help us customer to have sony out of the race... another monopoly on high def / consoles for MS is not a good thing for us... (I don't consider the WII being on the same market, not that it is better or not, nintendo themself think that way).... but I think that question deserves to be asked.... will sony be able or should stay next gen????
I'm asking the question on purely financial point of view.... no tech, no taste, no better or worse there involved....
is there anyone out there who think the question is valid and has maybe some substantial financial and economical facts and knowledge to sustain or refute the theory ???

(yeah its for my group project in financial economics :P )