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I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the PS4 will only be slightly more powerful than it's predecessor. I think it will be an optimized Cell or maybe even a dual-Cell but only if needed. I think that Sony has learned that being on the bleeding edge of technology is expensive and they will release a more cost efficent console to re-coup what is lost during the PS3 lifespan. I think it also depends on when the next gen starts and what the competition is bringing to the table. If this gen follows traditional 5-6 year gen shifts we could see the first next gen system in late 2010. Going by that timetable Sony would want the PS4 to be released close to that time if not soon after.

By that time devs will still not have fully mastered the Cell so Sony will stick with it and give the devs more time to sqeeze the full potential out of it.