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SamuelRSmith said:
the2real4mafol said:

Everything bar National insurance and capital gains taxes, are not taxes that have to be paid on a regular basis, especially if you don't have certain posessions. You don't pay fuel duty or road tax, if you don't fly. You don't pay import taxes, if you don't import or just smuggle goods in! Sales taxes like VAT are included in the price of goods anyway. If you don't own your own home, you don't pay property tax and so on, it's not like they can't afford it.

This is a terrible argument. If you don't own your home, you don't pay property tax? Well, this is false. You have to pay property tax on rented properties... if you don't, your landlord does, and he'll charge you through the rent. Unless you're advocating homelessness? And the same goes for your other points... fuel duty doesn't count because you don't pay it unless you drive? - Under this premise, National Insurance doesn't count, because you don't pay it unless you work!

Import taxes are fine because you can smuggle goods? Since when has that been an argument for import taxes? How can any legitamite business get away with that?

Sales taxes don't count because they're included in the price of goods? This is the hardest to understand. Prices are still 20% higher because of the taxman, which rips off the poor more than anybody else.

Ordinary people are expected to pay tax like this, maybe not so much, but they are more greatly effected by taxes, than a rich person. I have no simpathy for any rich person like that, they still have mansions, jets and limos don't they?

If you're talking about my family and friends, you're grossly mistaken on what being a millionaire can afford you. It means a comfortable life, sure. But it certainly doesn't mean jets or limos, and most millionaires will still need to go into work most days, or face homelessness.

YOU may expect "ordinary" people to pay those taxes, but I don't.

It's just pathetic, that as soon the state raises taxes or tries too, the rich are the first to leave! They still have lots of cash, so whats the problem?

"Ordinary" people would leave if they have their taxes increased, and they had the means to do so. It's just human nature (see the greed video below), rich people aren't any different from "ordinaries", they've just got greater means to do what everybody wants to do... if the rich people are fleeing, then there will be poor people who would want to follow, but can't.

And if higher taxes are not apart of the solution, then what is? Cutting clearly does not work, that makes an economy worse too.

Why is this clear? Make a statement like that, and you need to prove it.

Also, bad economies are caused by recklessness and dodgy dealings! Greed caused this bad economy, nothing else did

Fair enough, on your property tax, but you don't pay fuel duty if you don't drive and if you are unemployed and/or homeless, you are likely to pay few taxes, due to a lack of posessions. National Insurance is a 5% tax on all jobs, if you are unemployed you don't pay for it. Unless, benefits are taxed in some way?

I never said "Import taxes are fine because you can smuggle goods". No i said, if you smuggle stuff in, you avoid the tax althoghter, I know its illegal. But people do it with booze and cigarettes some how.

Also, VAT is set at 20% on most not all goods, which effects more expensive goods than cheaper ones. Still alot though.

I feel like I live a confortable life and I live in a household that earns just £20,000 and I live in North London, so millionaires do have a very good life in comparison, maybe I exagerate but still, they get alot better than someone with a low wage. I don't believe you, if they are struggling. Nonsense!

I don't think people with lower wages should have to pay as much as the rich in % of their income that's all. I would agree with low taxes for all, if the economy was fine actually.

Ordinary people will of cause leave, if they face high taxes but it's far more difficult and risky for them than the rich. The rich could just jump on a plane and fly to their new country, while a poorer person would have to risk everything, even there life to move to a better place. The wealth just makes it easier to migrate safely.

Look at how overcrowded that boat is, for them north african emmigrants, you would not see rich people flee like that!

You question me why cutting spending don't work in an economy? Ok, i will prove it. Let's look at Greece is suffering high and very tough austerity measures.

As you can see debt is way up, while the economy just shrinks and shrinks, with half a million leaving Greece in just 3 years! Also, the unemployment is at a record 1 million, which is 21%! (bare in mind, greece is home to just 11 million people)

Spain is very similiar, with lots of austerity and record unemployment of 25%

The Euro zone even mirrors this, with unemployment up and industry and trade way down!

I spose this come to the conclusion that high taxes+cutting (austerity) = disaster. 

That video is sadly the truth, if the people don't get greddy, the state does. In this case France, they will learn the hard way probably.

Finally, the saying goes "money is the root of all evil" and it's true! The emphasise on money caused greed and this shity economy

Enlightenment is good!



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