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Chark said:
So I've been playing a lot of Mortal Kombat and I've been doing great getting the trophies, until I looked up the "My kung fu is stronger" trophy. I have to win 100 battles, do 100 fatalities, do 150 X-rays, spill 10,000 pints of blood, and play for 24 hours...with each character! What gives! Even playing tag team thats 432 hours! I know you can rubber band trick it for time, but I did twice and it didn't save those hours either time after I relaunched the game. So either I have to ensure I time all characters after the other goals are met without exiting the game or having my Vita turned off for 18 days straight? Wtf. To get this normally it will take a solid year of playing a little everyday.

 Fighting games typically have the worst trophey lists. My mate has the MK, SFIV and MvC3 platinums... but those are literally all he plays 0_o.

 Street Fighter x Tekken has a softer trophey list if you want a fighting game which is platinumable... that's what I'll be getting on Vita anyway.