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Why would you create this thread, Pezus? Now, the Nintendo fans are going to retaliate and create a "Why do Wii Exclusives sell more than PS3 Exclusives".

You're going to start a war between Sony & Microsoft and Sony & Nintendo. We're already outnumbered by Nintendo fans. We cannot take on Nintendo and Microsoft! The Nintendo fans will focus all their energy on us. And the Microsoft fans will do the same. And our energy will be split in two. We will be slaughtered!

The only way we can survive is if we pit Nintendo & Microsoft against each other as well. That way, we can let them fight each other and they'll be weaker when they fight us. I'm already devising two threads titled, "Why do Wii Exclusives sell more than 360 Exclusives?" and "Why do 360 3rd Party Exclusives sell more than Wii exclusives?"

It's the only way...