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AKB 48+ME boxart


This game is huge... as a dating sim with teen girls in bikinis and stuff.
Since I have no idea how that would transfer to a game where you join the band, now comprised of totally non sexualized big headed girls... I won't even begin to predict sales.
But probably will do well, since that shovelware of a game called Run for Money is selling great (still) and just like this one is based on a famous property. So shovelware is not a problem for the 3DS userbase! We take them all! We're manly gamers!
Samurai Chronicles boxart released too
 First one did great... 150k. But this one is, acording to wiki
Sengoku Musou Chronicle 2nd (戦国無双 Chronicle 2nd) is the revamp of Samurai Warriors Chronicles. According to the initial news report, it is being made to answer the positive fan responses of the original title and is being revised to accommodate their requests
So just an updated version. Senran Kagura proved revamps could sell even better than the original. But judging by the great sales it got last year (being a launch game helped a lot too), it's very hard. Still, any 60k to me it's a success. Releases next week in japan, so we'll soon know.