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It's amazing to me how this thread could have so many posts, and yet I only saw 1 person (on page 15) who actually addressed the original posters actual question. It's unbelievable! I literally went through 8 pages off people just jabbering on about how the post title is "technically" wrong. Or what defines an exclusive, instead of actually taking some time to think and respond the the posters question! Shame.

To address the original posters question....I have always looked at it as a strange occurrence too. Both consoles have about the same user base. So why does Microsoft continually have a higher sales rate for their exclusives... sometimes by 2 to 1. My thinking is that the xbox360 caters very heavily to the "Shooter Gamer". So when a game is released on the Xbox a greater majority of the user base will all be interested in the same type of game experience. While on the PlayStation you have a more diverse fan base. So you may have a few million that love RPG's but hate adventure. Or few million that love platforming, but hate racing. This is where I believe the disparity comes in with regards to exclusives.

Out of 30million players on the PlayStation you will have the fan base split pretty evenly over 4-8 genres. That's not to say there's not any cross over, because there is. But in general, the RPG guys will be playing and saving their money for the next big RPG, not buying the latest action adventure title. This is why I believe PlayStation exclusives sell less than Xbox360. And the exact opposite side of the coin is true of xbox exclusives. Most people are all buying and playing the same thing on xbox, and there is not as diverse a community playing many different genres. On Xbox I'd estimate most to all gamers play 2-3 genres as opposed to the 4-8 genres that are played on the PlayStation. Just look at the genre difference in the list on this topic....almost all of the games listed on MS side are all shooters, except for 1 RPG and 1 racing game.....and Kinect. Then on the PS side, there's action, adventure, racing, shooting, platforming, stealth....and that's in this small listing alone.

So in theory it looks like MS kills PS in exclusives. But in reality, it's probably about the same, just spread over a more diverse genre base on PS than on MS. Hope that provides some intelligent insight to the question you posed.