You gotta love this community sometimes. Another day the same old bullshit. This sites software tracking is known to be highly inaccurate. That isn't to say it is useless. It just means that you have to treat it like a generality. You can curve it up or down by upwards of fifty percent of the numbers given. Most of the problem is that the data doesn't get corrected past a couple months out, and small sales later in a games life are rarely tracked if at all.
Which doesn't really matter when it comes to what is being discussed, because those differences balance out, and do not change the net outcome. Which is the 360 sells more software then the PS3. Which is in fact pretty easy to understand when you think about it. The console is more dominant in North America. Where more games for the consoles are sold then either of the other two regions. Plus North Americans seem to be far less scatter shot about what they buy then other markets.
That doesn't give Sony a out by any stretch of the imagination though. Doing poorly isn't any kind of a justification for doing poorly. That is like a murderer justifying his crimes by saying he is a murderer. It isn't a excuse at all, and any attempt to try to pass it off as one is mildly retarded to say the least. Back on topic. Sony failing to do well in North America has cost them a lot in the way of software sales. Which has cut into their bottom line. If Sony had a choice they would gladly dump half their European customers to get the same number of customers in North America.
Nitpicking doesn't change the situation at all. No matter how many substitutions you call on the original poster to make the outcome will not change at all. Microsoft is thumping on Sony when it comes to software. You might as well accept that. Doing otherwise just seems petty or anal. There is a logic in picking your fights, and this is a fight that Sony fans never win. You can't even force a stalemate.
The original poster knows what he is doing. This is a classic bait and switch tactic. That leaves you encircled, and without any way to escape. He can substitute those two games at any time, and that basically leaves you without any weapons to use. All your going to end up doing is committing suicide, and he is going to enjoy himself as he makes you squirm like a worm on a hook. I have seen this happen dozens of times now.
Why do people still fall for this trap. I have seen it used dozens of times, and you would think after six years of getting slaughtered on this one. Most Sony fans should be able to recite the arguments verbatim. It is so easy he really should be ashamed of himself. As for those throwing down the gauntlet have you even heard of the word gullible. Make him work a bit for his victories.