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Dodece said:

The story was intended to demonstrate a major difference between dogs and cats. The truth is that Dogs are really social creatures and will love unconditionally. Cats on the other hand are psychopathic, and not just the domestic variety. Male lions routinely kill cubs that aren't their own so that a female lion will become receptive to mating. I do not begrudge that cat for what it does, because it is only doing what comes instinctively. If the other cat were less of a homebody it would probably do the same. There is a dark side to cats.

I live in the great state of Ohio, and in rural Ohio no less. If I lived inside a large urban center chances are that any number of local ordinances would have seen her ass in lockup. Out in the country though where raising livestock for slaughter is not only part of life, but also a major source of income. There isn't a lot of public support for laws that dictate how animals may be treated.

If you think that story was terrible. Try this one on for size. My other neighbors who are really good people. Like to hunt and trap, and fifteen years ago they caught a feral cat in a live trap. The thing was going nuts, and I mean it was foaming at the mouth. I better stop for a second and explain that a live trap is just a cage that closes when a animal walks over a pressure plate. The first thing they think is this has to be rabies. So they do their civic duty, and report it to the animal warden, and I shit you not this is what he told them to do.

He told them to shoot or stab the creature. Cut off the head, put the head in a plastic bag, and then place it in the freezer. He would be by to pick it up early next week. When you have public officials with this kind of regard for animal welfare. Well you can basically see that we can't do much of anything about what she does. Except hope that animal farm can become a real life story.

If Ohio won't do anything about mistreated animals then that's on Ohio.  I live in a farming state, as well, and I know that Animal Control would take those animals away in a heartbeat if that happened here.  A 62 year old woman near where I live was put in jail for not caring for her 50+ animals and had them all taken away.  Another guy got sentanced to several months in prison plus like a $1000 fine for letting his dogs die.

As far as the rabies thing, yeah, your friends got told correctly.  If you think an animal has rabies then you put it down.  That actually IS looking out for the welfare of the animal.  Nothing much you can do about an advanced case of rabies.  Sending its brain to a lab is also the right thing, so they can analyze it and be aware if there is an outbreak of rabies in that area.