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Interesting story to add to the conversation. I live in a dog house, and we have two dogs. About six months ago one of the dogs decided to adopt two cats. Two kittens that were basically strays, because my neighbor is a total animal hoarder. So for those people telling everyone dogs are basically servants or slaves. Tell me exactly how it is that we have a dog acting like a equal when it comes to pet ownership.

By the way these cats are better then our previous cat which we had to send away last year, because she decided to get uppity with one of the dogs and attacked him. At the end we weren't too happy with it otherwise. That was just the final straw. It was affectionate enough, but it stank, get knocked up constantly, and that last batch it had it left to die in the woods behind our house. We were only able to rescue one, and we forced the little bitch to take care of it.

Yeah I really like the new cats both males by the way, and they are both into doing public services. One is just a prodigious mouser, and the other well it is dealing with our neighbors hoarding problem. It is doing its part to keep the cat population under control. Yeah it kills every kitten it finds in her yard. Right now we have six or seven confirmed kills. Oh you didn't know that did you. Cats are confirmed psychopaths.

The best part is that he is a real showman. After he breaks their little necks he likes to dump the bodies where they are easy to see. At first he brought them up on to our porch. Then he started leaving them on her porch, and now well he likes to put them on the hood of her car. Which happens to be black, and blazing hot in the summer sun. Sometimes she doesn't leave her house for a few days, and that just has too stink too high hell. I hold out hope that one day she will forget to roll up her window, and that cat will drop its latest victim in her back seat.

Before you get indignant with me. I couldn't care less, because my neighbor has no regard at all for her effect on other people, and no comprehension about how appalling her treatment of animals has become. Her back yard is so layered in animal crap that she is breeding flies by the thousands, and last year we called the EPA on her ass.

Stop reading right now if you are easily mortified. Seriously what she did would belong in a SAW film for animals. She locked two cows up in a shed side by side. With no room for them to move around at all. Then she began to feed them through the top doors on the shed while leaving the bottom ones closes, and she did that for going on six months. Those animals spent months standing in their own crap, and when she let them out it was up to their shoulder blades.

That wasn't the end of it either. She was going to bury all that cow crap in her back yard. Since we still use water from a well we called the EPA to stop her from doing that, and the inspector did show up, and did straighten her out on that one. Before anyone says call the humane society, or any other animal rights organization. We tried so many times, and the truth of the matter is my states animal welfare laws are just plain barbaric. You can literally crucify a dog on the side of the road in full public view, and get away with it by claiming something like he is dying for your sins.

Anyway that cat is really performing mercy killings.