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Who ever says cats don't have emotions and don't bond with people have clearly never owned a cat in their life. Take it from a cat owner for 20 years. My cats have been VERY friendly, at least to me, my immediate family, and frequent visitors we have. It's just they like their independence and alone time more than dogs, and are much more apprehensive to opening up to outsiders. Which I can respect because I am largely the same way. But my cat will still greet me almost every morning when I walk downstairs, plays with me, and often sit by me wherever I go in the house.

It's like Jack from Meet the Parents says, cats just make you work for their affection, they don't sell out the way dogs do :P. And contrary to popular belief, they most certainly can be protective of their human companions like dogs, it's just they tend to lack the stature and intimidation factor that many dogs possess that allows them to actually be threatening, but the point is the mentality is still there. My old cat actually brought a dead bird to us once, I guess assuming she was looking out for us and bringing us dinner. Of course we had better dinner plans that night but that's not the point lol. Our current cat hisses and often acts hostile at guests whenever we have them, as he feels the need to protect us and his territory.

Also, being much more independent than dogs, they are much easier to deal with as pets. They don't whine and make a ton of noise every time they want something or when a neighbor passes by, don't need to be walked and taken outside every time they need to do their "business," and don't need constant stimulation. Cats are dogs without the annoyance and the hassle. Dogs may be more "useful" creatures, well assuming you're blind or a cop, but as pets, cats win no contest :P