happydolphin said:
I understand all your points. The concepts you're discussing are not related to anything that was bound by technological limitations. The ideas are all that was missing. But as we know from the motion controls of the Wii, a new console was not required for them, since Nintendo was going to tack them onto the gamecube, and Sony and MS have both successfully tacked them on to their consoles. Once again, at the root, gens find their purpose in the need to upgrade a piece of tech due to advancements that were not possible before, for more reasons than "we haven't started R&D yet", if you know what I mean. Not a complex topic, to be sure. |
... ... ... ...
You pretty much avoided everything I said... or worse, you acknowledged it passively then tried to stress your, "point"
Funny not found. Ahhh, forget it, why am I arguing with someone that does not see Wii as a current gen console?
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