happydolphin said:
Because for one it's based on much more than that, if that. For one, it's based on a context. In this context, home consoles. If you were to compare PC Graphics cards, they have their own generations, as would cell phones, tablets and super computers. So, there's more to it. But to completely disregard the importance of technical advancements makes the whole concept pointless, as it becomes completely arbitrary. One manufacturer could release 3 home consoles by the time another releases just one. Iphon, case in point, has a generation every year or so. If they adapted the same business model in the home console space, it would be called a generational jump for apple. Where the line is drawn, where it isn't, it's all arbitrary, and the definition is gaping with holes. If we don't agree on the definition, let's at least agree that it is not without its failings. |
I agree it's a flawed means of categorization on all fronts but it's one most accepted by the industry itself. Pardon me if I side with them and my own industry (media).
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