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Chark said:
Kynes said:

@Chark: So what we should do, only say good things about the Vita? AFAIK, this is a SALES oriented site, it's natural to talk about SALES, and tell our opinion about them. There are tons of other sites not SALES oriented, and if we can't talk SALES in a SALES thread in a SALES oriented site, then what are we doing here?

PS: We aren't here to sell a company product, I don't get paid to do so.

When did I say anything like that? I was originally placing context on a phrase referencing the anti-consumer sentiment of the Vita after Kowen acted defensively in an assumption Mmmfishtacos was referrring to him. The you don't get paid to do it is a straw man arguement and just as one isn't paid to support a system they aren't paid to speak against it in same. If we are talking sales lets talk sales but there is little to talk about without considering future speculation which can either be good or can be bad, but I find very little courtesy in that as those who view it negatively tend to strong arm the conversation and use sales data as the end all and be all as if any possibilty of improved sales sucess is the ravings of a mad man.

That's why I stepped in when Kowen went defensive and I referrenced his own input on Vita/Sony threads. He has no doubt been targeted as anti-Sony and though his input might be historical data and neutral itself others are using it in another fashion so in fact him posting on threads that aren't discussing sales is serving as a catalyst of negativity.

As for the post that started this whole aside it was a response to someone's concern on whether to buy a Vita or not because of slow sales and worry over future support. Someone is more than entitled to argue that the sytem is going to receive support and even that sales will improve. Kowen responding in the way he did points to a degree of bias, which is fine but people can't firmly hide behind neutrality as outside forces will also tug and pull your statements one way or another. You can only stay neutral for so long, in reality you are just leaning back and forth due to forces outside of your control. The "don't beleve the haters" statement is not the best wording to explain a much bigger picture and there is definitely reason for Kowen to jump on him for it but since he did I felt all implications should be more thoroughly discussed.

Man, if you don't like Kowen's posts? Don't read them. Rather simple.

To be completely frank, I'd say the discussion has been surprisingly civil as of late. I'm used to threads that even if you MENTION something bad about someone else's preferred product, it's asking for a flame war. These statistical threads seem to have a fairly decent level of conversation and nobody has been screeching at each other. It's kind of peaceful for a change. Pretty much everyone has agreed that the Vita could be doing a hell of a lot better and that we'll see if Sony's attempts at working it out end up functional or futile. I'm not seeing this percieved negativity that you seem intent on pointing out. There's a lot worse opinions of the Vita than are being stated in this thread.

Even if Kowen was intentionally trying to sabotage people's perceptions of the Vita here (which frankly would border on the paranoid)...well, so what? How many people on this site don't like Nintendo or Microsoft? Lots of people slag the other consoles all the time. Does it affect people's perceptions? Has there been entire swaths of console purchases falling to the wayside because one person has an opinion on this particular site? I'm just saying you're making an awfully big deal out of what is basically nothing.

Let people discuss the sales on the sales site.