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Sony shared its lineup for Tokyo Game Show 2012 today. Here's what will be playable in the various "zones." Sony says that these lists only include the games that can be listed as of September 4 (which seems to imply that additional games will be added).

PS Vita Zone:

Malicious Rebirth
Picotto Knight
Sakurasou no Pet na Kanjo
Fate/Stay Night [Realta Nua]
Legend of Heroes Zoer no Kiseki Evolution
Street Fighter x Tekken
Atelier Totori Plus
Nobunaga no Yabou with Powerup Kit
Silent Hill Book of Memories
DJ Max Technika Tune
Phantasy Star Online 2
Soul Sacrifice
LittleBigPlanet PS Vita
PlayStation All Stars Battle Royal
Sound Shape
Earth Defense Forces 3 Portable
Ys Celceta Sea of Trees
Assassin's Creed III Lady Liberty
Little Battler eXperience W

must-have-list for platforms i don't own yet:

WiiU: Donkey Kong

XBone: Dead Rising 3, Ryse