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Do you realize that most of your list
a. is multiplatform, or has been in the past (Spyro is the most obvious example. Another is that Chrono Trigger was on SNES, Cross on PS1. Awful example by the way, you have no idea where they would put it, since their has not been a Chrono game in nearly 10 years. I'm hoping they make a sequel for the Wii. Grandia, another example you have, was on the Saturn and the Dreamcast)
b. is unannounced (Tekken 6, which may be multiplatform, you never know)
c. is not a huge game (Team ICO has good games that don't sell, Killzone is a big question mark. Driver is crappy.)

Let me cut it down to a list of definite games people care about that have been announced to be exclusive to PS3.
1. Gran Turismo
2. Final Fantasy
To a lesser degree, these:
3. Metal Gear Solid
4. Star Ocean (not sure if it was confirmed)

Kingdom Hearts 3 will not be for PS3. The list you gave reads like a little kid's letter to Santa. "I want this, and this, and this..." Sorry, you will be dissappointed.
The reason most of those games you listed were on the Playstation 1 and 2 was because they were the most successful consoles. Third parties aren't commited to one platform. They will jump ship before the shit hits the fan. Look at the N64. Final Fantasy had always been on Nintendo systems, but Square went for the more lucrative Playstation. This time, however, the Wii is the PS1 and the PS3 is more like the N64.