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I am not going to end up saying to sometimes cry about hypocrisy isn't something that is called for.  One can do this to make a point.  However, what I see happen increasingly is that often times that is ALL someone ends up harping on, particularly in the political realm.  I have to wonder, does not a person have sufficiently decent values they can call others on?  Why would an individual call someone on hypocrisy in regards to something they don't agree with?  Are you that devoid of values in your own life, you can't appeal to them?  Whether it be liberal side pointing to those who were anti-gay getting caught in a scandal, or those on the conservative side busting on Obama or Occupy for demonstrating consumption of upper class food, to me, it looks to me like a person's values are weak. 

Morally, I can see the really only effective way to argue hypocrisy someone is professing values you agree with, and they fall short of these values.  To do it with values you don't agree with, looks like inferior arguing to me.  The idea is to call someone on faking it with good values, not falling short genuinely of ideals or someone doing something one agrees with.

Just my 2 cents...