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Human nature is to gravitate towards the simplest solution, or in the case of politics the most expedient. It isn't that such a argument is without merit. The problem is that camp Romney is steering the conversation, and camp Obama can hardly get a word in edge wise. Which they aren't terribly keen to do anyway. Mitt Romney is perhaps the most incompetent politician to run for President. Which is only exceeded by his camp as a whole.

It is easy to see why the media isn't looking for dirt. The campaign churns out a never ending supply of incredibly stupid, and often enough terribly heinous commentary. Which has to be disenfranchising massive voting blocks. The fact of the matter is that Obama doesn't need to do anything, because the Romney camp is doing his job for him every single day. You don't have to make a argument against someone when they are making a argument for that same thing themselves.

I swear it is like the Republican party is doing everything in its power to defeat Mitt Romney. They have managed to alienate the Hispanic community. The fastest growing ethnic minority. They have basically made a practice of saying the most sexist crap imaginable too women. Their insinuations to black voters already a hard block to get any traction with isn't doing them any favors. Who are they going to blast next. What the youth vote, seniors, the handicapped.

Damn this week we had a Republican telling us that raped women can magically stop themselves from becoming pregnant. Just one fucking dumb ass blurb after another. The Romney campaign is just a train wreck. Nobody has to help them out. The conductor is drunk, and every time the train makes a turn all the passengers run as fast as they can to one side to see if they can tip the thing. The way things are going I give them about a month before the whole thing explodes.